Table of Contents       22. NeoFinder and Videos

22.2 Movie Metadata

Just like photos, movie files can contain a lot of helpful metadata. And NeoFinder of course is able to read this for you during cataloging, and makes it all available during display and for Finding.

You can use tools such as Adobe Bridge to add this extra data to your movie files. Just view the movie file with Bridge, and type in all the textual fields you need and want:

how to add movie metadata in Adobe Bridge

Yes, the user interface of Adobe Bridge is not very nice, and Bridge is quite slow.

So why not simply use the powerful integrated XMP editor in NeoFinder?

Movie Metadata in NeoFinder

Can Apples "" read them?

Apple uses an undocumented private format for GPS GeoTags and descriptions ("captions") in
video files, and as "" can only read these special values, and not the standard data formats everyone else uses, NeoFinder now writes these as well, starting with NeoFinder 8.5.

Video Color Profile?

NeoFinder is able to catalog the color profile description of MP4 and MOV video files, but doing so requires a possibly lengthy query to the Spotlight plugin for video files, which means that this can be really slow.
As a lot of people don't really need that color profile name, we have deactivated that by default to make sure that cataloging runs as fast as possible.

If you wish to catalog these color profile descriptions, please use:

defaults write de.wfs-apps.neofinder readVideoProfileNames YES

The default is NO

More metadata with

NeoFinder also supports metadata written to video files by the venerable into MOV and MP4 containers. This cool app allows you to add all kinds of interesting movie metadata more or less automatically, including cover art:


And NeoFinder will of course catalog a lot of this data, too, and place it in the suitable fields for you:

subler data in NeoFinder

And everything can be searched by NeoFinder, too.

Starting with NeoFinder 8.5, this helpful metadata is also cataloged from MKV and other container formats,
if ffmpeg is installed.

22.1 Movie Contact Sheet
22.2 Movie Metadata
22.3 NeoFinder and RED video files
22.4 Video playback in NeoFinder
22.5 NeoFinder and BlackMagic BRAW video files
22.6 Final Cut Pro X Projects and NeoFinder
22.7 Use ffmpeg for more video file support in NeoFinder
22.8 Video Converter
22.9 Rotate Videos
22.10 KYNO Metadata