22.1 Movie Contact Sheet
Wouldn't it be amazing if NeoFinder could show you what is actually in a movie file? Yes, NeoFinder generates one thumbnail of each movie file during cataloging, if you want it, but for a long movie, just a single frame is not too much.
Introducing the NeoFinder Movie Contact Sheet!
Simply select a movie file, and either use the Movie Contact Sheet command in the Special menu of NeoFinder, or the context menu for a file:
Then you can set up a couple of options, like how many rows and columns you want in your contact sheet, and what format the resulting picture file should have. Also, you can Select whether or not you wish to see the time stamp in each frame, and if NeoFinder should automatically store the resulting contact sheet file in the same folder as the original movie file.
Then NeoFinder generates this beautiful contact sheet for you, along with all the interesting information you need in the header, like the used video and audio codecs:
Wait! That is not all!
This of course also works if you select multiple movie files in NeoFinder! So you can quickly generate a lot of contact sheets at once. And here, the new option "Save to movie file folder" is really useful, as it places the generated contact sheet file for each video in the same folder as the original video file.
And there is even more!
The amazing Services integration of NeoFinder gives you one more incredible feature. Simply select a movie file directly in the Finder, and in the Services menu, you also have the option to get a NeoFinder Movie Contact sheet for that file!
No need to catalog anything with NeoFinder first, you can have the contact sheet for any movie file!
Isn't that amazing?
This feature supports video formats that Apples AVFoundation can handle, such as .mov, .mp4, .m4v.
As there exist a huge range of audio and video codecs used for these container files, there may be files that NeoFinder cannot play for you.
NeoFinder also supports the AVI, MT2, M2TS, M2V, TS, MPG and MPEG formats.
NeoFinder can even use Sony MXF files, if you have Final Cut Pro from Apple installed or the Apple ProVideo codecs are active.
In this case, please activate the special setting in Apple's terminal so that NeoFinder also attempts to use MXF files:
defaults write de.wfs-apps.neofinder tryToPlayMXF 1
You can download and install the Apple Video Codecs from Apple here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/106396
There is more!
22.1 Movie Contact Sheet
22.2 Movie Metadata
22.3 NeoFinder and RED video files
22.4 Video playback in NeoFinder
22.5 NeoFinder and BlackMagic BRAW video files
22.6 Final Cut Pro X Projects and NeoFinder
22.7 Use ffmpeg for more video file support in NeoFinder
22.8 Video Converter
22.9 Rotate Videos
22.10 KYNO Metadata