Table of Contents       8. Workflow Integration

8.9 NeoFinder and Alfred

“Alfred is an award-winning productivity application for Mac OS X. Alfred saves you time when you search for files online or on your Mac. Be more productive with hotkeys, keywords and file actions at your fingertips.”

The good thing is that NeoFinder can be easily integrated into this wonderful free tool called Alfred.

You need the
Alfred Powerpack to create and import Workflows.

Then create a new empty workflow with these parameters:

New Alfred Workflow for NeoFinder

Next, add a “Keyword” Input:

Keyword Input action

The “neo” indicates that the search command will be preceded by the new string, so use a short, unique one.

Then add a “Run NSAppleScript” Action. This will actually activate NeoFinder and start the search:

AppleScript Alfred Action

Connect the two steps, and you are done:

Complete Alfred Workflow

Then just open Alfred, and type the search string, and remember to add the “neo”:

Search your NeoFinder LIBRARY in Alfred!

Once you hit Return, NeoFinder will be activated by Alfred, and the Search for the text “Roger Hodgson” will begin immediately.

Isn’t that cool?

But of course, we have a completed Alfred Workflow prepared for you to download:


A big Thank You to Bob Connelly for the suggestion, and to Vero from Alfred for the Powerpack license key.


8.1 Drag & Drop
8.2 NeoFinder in the Finder Services Menu
8.3 QuickLook
8.4 Roxio Toast Titanium Integration
8.5 FileMaker Pro Integration
8.6 Delete and Rename items from inside NeoFinder
8.7 NeoFinder and Tags
8.8 iCloud Drive
8.9 NeoFinder and Alfred
8.10 Notification Center
8.11 Open with...
8.12 Default Applications
8.13 Light Table
8.14 Rename multiple files
8.15 Slideshow